Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002 (Asbestos Surveys)
(The New Regulation 4; Duty to Manage Asbestos)
The Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations (CAWR) 2002 place a legal duty on anyone with responsibility for the maintenance and repair of non-domestic premises and common areas of rented domestic premises to:-
1) Establish whether asbestos is present and where it is located
2) Assume that asbestos is present unless proved otherwise
3) Record all findings and assumptions
4) Monitor the condition of any asbestos
5) Implement plans to manage the risk from any asbestos
6) Provide information to those in contact with Asbestos
How does asbestos affect my business?
Commercial buildings built before 1999 are recommended to have an asbestos survey. If you own or occupy any non-domestic premises (including all commercial, public or industrial buildings) or domestic premises that have communal parts (e.g. stairwells, liftshafts, corridors), you need to establish and maintain a register of any asbestos containing materials (ACMS).
Do I need to remove any asbestos containing materials (ACMs)?
No, not necessarily. The duty is to manage any risk ? in many cases it is often left in situ and it?s condition is recorded, monitored and managed.
What was the main use of Asbestos in buildings?
SPRAYED COATINGS; on steel works, concrete walls and ceilings, for fire protection & insulation.
LAGGING; insulation on pipework boilers & ducts
INSULATION BOARDS; in partitions, fire doors & ceiling tiles
ASBESTOS CEMENT PRODUCTS; sheeting on walls and roofs, tiles, cold water tanks, gutters, pipes & decorative plaster finishes.
Who is at risk?
Anyone who undertakes work on your behalf at your premises such as plumbers, electricians, carpenters, painters and decorators. Even worker?s wifes are at risk when cleaning soiled work clothes.
"Breathing in Asbestos dust can lead to Asbestos related - diseases"
What types of Asbestos are dangerous?
All types of Asbestos have potential to cause lung cancer.
IT ONLY TAKES ONE FIBRE TO KILL so if you require any further information on Asbestos Surveys or any other health and safety issue why not send an email to and one of our team will contact you shortly.
About The Author
David Cant is Asbestos surveyor who owns his own consultancy practice Central Safety consultancy Service Limited operating throughtout the UK. if you have any questions regarding asbestos or any other health and safety issue you can drop him an email if you so wish at
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