Saturday, January 27, 2007

All Service Providers The DDA Affects You Do Not Ingnore This Article

The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Part Three applies to all "services Providers"?that is, anyone who provides goods or services to the public, whether for profit or not. Accordingly, the scope?of the DDA is enormous, covering for example churches, retailers, schools,?leisure facilities & hospitals.
On 2nd December 1996 it became unlawful for service providers to treat a disabled person less favourably than a non-disabled person for a reason relating to their disability.
Since 1st October 1999 Service Providers have been obliged to:
- Alter practices, policies or procedures that make it impossible or unreasonably difficult for a disabled person to use their services; and
- Provide Auxiliary Aids or services to assist a disabled person to access their services.
Since 1st October 2004 Service Providers are obliged to have made reasonable adjustments to any physical features of their premises which present a barrier to access for disabled people. This must be done by altering, removing or adjusting building features, or by providing a reasonable means of avoiding a feature which presents the barrier to access.
If you are unsure whether the DDA 1995 affects you and your business and need further information then you can contact us at and someone will more than happy to help.
About The Author

David Cant is Qualified DDA access auditor who owns his own consultancy practice Central Safety consultancy Service Limited operating throughtout the UK. if you have any questions regarding health and safety you can drop him an email if you so wish at

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